NSCDA-TX Member’s Area

The National Society of Colonial Dames of America, Texas.png

The NSCDA-TX Board of Managers at the Neill-Cochran House Museum, February 2025.


Elected Officers

President | Ann Harder

1st Vice President | Lucile Uhlig

2nd Vice President | Sarah Almy

3rd Vice President | Liz Maxfield

4th Vice President | Frasher Pergande

Treasurer | Christy Dietz Holze

Assistant Treasurer | Melissa Kirtley Eason

Recording Secretary |Gail Branca

Corresponding Secretary | Pat Krueger

Registrar | Katherine King

Historian | Betty Bird


Honorary Presidents

Mary Bohls, Ellen Walters, Florence Patton, Betty Wells, Eileen Moody

Honorary Vice Presidents

Roberta Byrd


Town Committee Representatives

Austin | Claudia Chidester, Eliza Morehead

Beaumont | Kathleen Winslow Nelson, Anne Winslow

Dallas | Leslie Youngblood

El Paso | Katherine Brown

Ft. Worth | Sue Denton, Frasher Pergande

Houston | Diane Dean, Judy Farrell

San Antonio | Jane Buchek, Ellie Seiferth

Waco | Fredda Murff, Elizabeth Dietz


Appointed Positions

Annual Fund | Paige Ridout
Archivist | Susan Corbit Spruance
Arrangements |
Assistant Registrar | Caroline Hassell
Collections | Eliza Morehead

Historical Activities Dr. Joan Burnham, Marion Wade
Neill-Cochran House Museum | Dr. Karen Rechnitzer Pope
Governance | Leonora Branca
Patriotic Service | Susan Sheeren
Legacy Society | Elizabeth Hickman
Membership Orientation
| Sally Nichols, Heather Firestone

Museum Alliance | Susan Altgelt
Roll of Honor | Linda Condit
Roster | Caroline Hassell
Texas Tells | Lori Duran
Young Dames | Fay Kirby


Town Committee Chairmen

At-Large | Caroline Vornberg
Austin | Betty Bird, Leonora Branca
Beaumont | Laurie Leister

Dallas | Leslie Youngblood
El Paso | Lucile Uhlig
Fort Worth | Lezlie Monteleone

Houston | Cynthia Partlow
San Antonio | Kathy Totten
Waco | Carla Haynes-Clowe


Appointed Texas Representatives to NSCDA Properties

Lady of Dumbarton | Carla Haynes-Clowe

Regent of Gunston Hall | Homoiselle Bujosa

Associate Trustee, Friends of Sulgrave Manor | Vivienne Mays


Board of Managers | Committee Members

2023-2024 Committee Member Contact List | Committee Descriptions


Executive Committee:

(Elected Officers, NCHM Chair, and
NCHM Executive Director, Ex officio)
Sarah Almy
Gail Branca
Rowena Dasch
Katherine King
Pat Krueger
Ann Harder (Chairman)
Christy Holze
Liz Maxfield
Frasher Pergande
Karen Pope
Lucile Uhlig

Nominating Committee:

Austin, Leonora Branca
Beaumont, Anne Winslow
Dallas, open
El Paso, open
Ft. Worth, Betty Coe Manuel
Houston, Caroline Hassell (Chair)
San Antonio, Diana Morehouse
Waco, Ellen White

Finance Committee:

Rowena Dasch
Melissa Eason
Ann Harder
Elizabeth Hickman
Christy Holze (Chair)
Harriet Leavell
Karen Kincaid Brady
Lucile Uhlig
Karen Pope
Paige Ridout

NCHM Committee:

Susan Altgelt
Karen Kincaid Brady
Rowena Dasch
Christy Holze
Eliza Morehead
Karen Pope (Chair)
Paige Ridout
Susan Spruance
Lucile Uhlig


Development Committee:

Karen Kincaid Brady
Rowena Dasch
Cristina Feldott
Elizabeth Hickman
Karen Pope
Paige Ridout
Lucile Uhlig

Membership Orientation Committee:

Claudia Chidester (Austin)
Sally Nichols (Beaumont) (Co-Chair)
Leslie Youngblood (Dallas)
Katherine Brown (El Paso)
Frasher Pergande (Fort Worth)
Diane Dean (Houston)
Ellie Seiferth (San Antonio)
Elizabeth Dietz (Waco)

Annual Fund Committee:

(formerly called Friends of the NCHM Committee)

Eliza Morehead (Austin)
Anne Winslow (Beaumont)
Leslie Youngblood (Dallas)
Lucile Uhlig (El Paso)
Frasher Pergande (Ft. Worth)
Judy Farrell (Houston)
Jane Buchek (San Antonio)
Fredda Murff (Waco)

Governance Committee:

Leonora Branca


Community Advisory Council:


Socar Chatmon-Thomas
Anita Dabney
Katie Edwards
Harrison Eppright
Ted Eubanks
Peter Flagg Maxson

Suzanne Labry (Chair)
Charles Peveto
Laura Strange
Lesley Taylor
Catherine Whited
