NSCDA-TX Member’s Area

The National Society of Colonial Dames of America, Texas.png

The Neill-Cochran House Museum Annual Fund

The Annual Fund supports NCHM programs like Modern Times as well as the day-to-day operation, maintenance, conservation, and preservation of this historic landmark and its contents.   A donation at the Hill Society level and higher entitles you to become a member of the NARM, the North American Reciprocal Museum Association. Most of all, members experience the satisfaction of sharing the Neill-Cochran House Museum and sustaining this treasured landmark and its heritage.

Download the NCHM Annual Fund Pledge Form to send with your donation or pledge. 


$5,000+ Landmark Society

$2,500 - $4,999 Bluebonnet Society

$1,000 - $2,499 Abner Cook Society

$600 - $999 Cochran Society

$250 - $599 Neill Society

$150 - $249 Hill Society


Gifts up to $149 are gratefully accepted as general donations to the Annual Fund. Donations may be mailed to the Neill-Cochran House Museum with “Annual Fund” on the memo line
(2310 San Gabriel Street, Austin TX 78705) or may be made online by clicking on the link below.

Endowment Fund

Make a pledge to the NCHM Endowment Fund to ensure the long-lasting viability and strength of the NCHM.  Download this NCHM Endowment Fund Pledge Form to make your pledge today.

Legacy Society

The gift of a simple, designated bequest in your will to the NCHM Endowment Fund will help ensure that the NSCDA in Texas continues its mission to actively promote our national heritage through historic preservation, patriotic service, and educational projects.  Complete the NSCDA-TX Estate Intention Form today.

Your attorney and tax advisor can help you determine the best way to accomplish this depending upon your individual situation. If you then will send us written confirmation of your intended gift, we will acknowledge you as a member of the Texas Legacy Society in our newsletters. Of course, you also may remain anonymous.

Unrestricted Annual Gifts

Unrestricted contributions help the NSCDA in the State of Texas direct donations to areas of the greatest need.

Memorials and Honoraria

Gifts in remembrance and/or in honor of Dames members and families may be sent directly to the Neill-Cochran House Museum at 2310 San Gabriel, Austin, TX 78705.  Please send the Memorial and Honorarium Form along with your check or click here for online donations.