NSCDA-TX Member’s Area

The National Society of Colonial Dames of America, Texas.png


NSCDA-TX 2025 Annual Meeting: Dames in Dallas!

Join us in Dallas this May for the NSCDA-TX Annual Meeting! We will do the work of the NSCDA-TX and we will have a lot of fun as well! The Annual Meeting is open to ALL DAMES, not just members of the Board of Managers! We’ll be staying at the beautiful Hilton Park Cities hotel, enjoy the views and the cuisine at the Park City Club, visit historic Fair Park, and on Wednesday morning there will be the opportunity to see the Meadows Museum. Join us!


Monday, May 5th

1:30PM Development and Neill-Cochran House Museum Committee Meetings

3:00PM Finance Committee Meeting

6:00PM Cocktail Reception at AT Bistro

Tuesday, May 6th

8:00AM Town Committee Chair Breakfast

9:30AM Annual Meeting

9:30AM Spouse Outing to the Bush Library

12:00PM Luncheon at the Hilton Park Cities

1:30PM Fair Park Tour

6:30PM Annual Dinner

Wednesday, May 7th

10AM (9:40AM departure) visit to the Meadows Museum to see The Sense of Beauty: Six Centuries of Paintings from Museo de Arte de Ponce



The Madison Cooper House, 1907.


NSCDA-TX Annual Meeting

May 6-8, 2024 | Waco

We had a wonderful time in Waco in 2024! Thank you to everyone in the Waco Town Committee who made us feel so welcome! The Annual Dinner at the home of Ambassador Lyndon and Kay Olson was of the true highlights of our time together. Ambassador Olson shared thoughts titled A Case for Civility with us that evening that we encourage all to read. Please click on the button below for a transcription of Ambassador Olson’s remarks.


Monday, May 6th

12:30PM - Dev & NCHM Committee Meetings

3:00PM - Finance Committee Meeting

4:00PM - Boat tour on the Brazos River ($90 - sold out!)

6:00PM - Welcome Party at the historic Madison Cooper House ($75)

Tuesday, May 7th

8:00AM - Town Committee Chairs Breakfast

9:30AM - NSCDA-TX State Meeting

12:00PM - Luncheon ($25)

1:30PM - Trolley tour of Waco ($50)

6:30PM - State Meeting Dinner at the home of Ambassador Lyndon Olson ($100)

Wednesday, May 8th

10:00 a.m. Tour of the Mammoth National Monument ($10 at the door)
